Math Points: Reform – a Duet??

            by Jack Rotman


Note: The name reflects a normal paradox in education – we must work with objects that have no real dimensions, like a point in space.  The name also reflects my belief that every reader needs to start off assuming that a writer has no real dimension; that is, assume that the writer does not know anything, and judge by the validity of the presentation whether there is something “real” to be learned.


Are we playing a duet, or are we playing two solos which sound similar even though they are written in a different key?  Stay with me while I explore this musical analogy for the relationship between K-12 mathematics and college mathematics.


In our ‘standards’ document, Crossroads in Mathematics, AMATYC makes this statement:

The standards included in this document reflect many of the same principles found in school reform [for example, see NCTM Curriculum and Assessment Standards for School Mathematics, 1989 …]              (page x)

On the same page, relative to the foundation courses, the Crossroads document says:

Courses at this level should not simply be repeats of those offered in high school.

If reform courses in college should not be a simple repeat of high school courses, what is the desired relationship?  In particular, how should a reformed high school mathematics curriculum relate to the college mathematics curriculum?


Now, we could approach these questions from a variety of viewpoints; for example, we could set out a detailed analysis of the content and methods used in some sample classes at each level (high school, college).  However, I want to maintain the musical analogy:  Are the two curricula, as experienced by a listener (student), seen as a duet or as two solos?


Actually, I must confess that I have not done this; to do this, I would need to develop an assessment instrument that could be used on a sample of students who have experienced the two curricula.  However, I want to mention a student’s history as a way to hint at the nature of the students’ general experiences.


In my college’s service district, there are several high schools that have a reputation as having reformed their mathematics curriculum.  One of them happens to be the high school in the district that I live in.   A 1997 graduate of this high school came to my college this year, and I have had a chance to follow her progress.


Her high school mathematics included two years of algebra and one year of geometry.  She completed them, but I got the impression that math was not an area of high confidence for her.  When she entered my college, she took our placement test – which placed her into our first algebra course.  I asked her how she felt about this, and she indicated that she thought she really ought to be in the intermediate algebra class instead of the introductory one, but that the situation was okay with her.


As she proceeded in the course, she found a number of areas challenging.  She ended up with a passing grade (2.5), and enrolled for intermediate algebra in the second semester.  This course was very challenging for her, and she was not able to pass; currently, she is repeating the intermediate algebra this semester.


Now, I know that the high school curriculum and the college curriculum for this student had some things in common – both used the graphing calculator, both used a lot of applications, and both focus on communicating mathematically.  I also know that there are some differences, such as the fact that her high school algebra did very little with factoring or rational expressions, while the college courses covered an average amount for a college course; however, this is not very helpful, since she had trouble before either topic.


I don’t consider her grades to be an indicator that there is a “problem”.  My interest now is in considering how students such as this experience the two curricula.  I have not asked her questions about her experience, and one student is obviously not a guarantee of an entire group of students.  However, I am left with the impression that this student did not see much harmony between her high school experience and her college experience.


Even if this is true, and even if this is true for many students, maybe there is still not a “problem”.  Maybe the goals of high school mathematics and of college mathematics are so different that we should expect students to “repeat” material, and maybe not even pass the course; maybe we should expect two solos.  I know, in fact, that the goals are quite different, as evidenced by the types of assessment that are employed.


But, let’s stay with the musical analogy:   Do students expect to hear a duet?  Would they be comfortable with a high school mathematics experience that was a solo, and comfortable with a college mathematics experience that was a solo?   I would contend that, in the absence of extremely strong messages to the contrary, students expect a duet – they expect a very direct connection between their high school and college experiences.  I think they find it discouraging when they must “repeat” material – “I already had this in high school”.  I believe that students wonder, if they think about it, whether math teachers really know what they are doing.


If this musical analogy is accurate – that students experience two solos in high school and college mathematics, but expect a duet – then the question becomes:  What should be done about it?  An obvious answer is that there really should be a duet; however, I think this is wrong – I think there are sufficient reasons for the goals of the two curricula to be very different.  If there needs to be two solos, then the next answer would be that we need to make sure that students don’t expect a duet; this is the path I think we need to take.


This would be a problem for both teaching groups to address – high school and college.  High school mathematics students need to be told what the goals of that experience are; I would even assess the students on whether they understand this.  In college, we need to also communicate our goals – and maybe assess the students on whether they have understood those goals.


A duet is a wonderful experience, just as solos are wonderful experiences.  Each has their own place and beauty, and I enjoy both of them – as long as the performance matches the requirements.



I also need to make an apology.  In my very first try at this, I made a mistake in a URL.  If you tried to get the paper I mentioned last time, the address I gave you did not work.  Now, if you are very persistent, you could find the correct address by good searching techniques.  In case you just want to ‘look in the back of the book for the correct answer’, here is the address that worked the day I wrote this:

(This is the paper by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University--  John Anderson, Lynne Reder, and Herbert Simon with the title  Applications and Misapplications of Cognitive Psychology to Mathematics Education. )